Aeronautical Headgear German
Stock No.
Price = n/a
Luftwaffe LKpS101 Flying Helmet
First introduced in 1938, this is the Summer Luftwaffe flying helmet made from the salt and pepper material as used for the Fliegerkombi. The helmet is in very clean condition although whilst the receivers are in place the wiring loom and throat microphones have been removed from the helmet at some stage. This could be replaced as a restoration project or alternative provides an excellent entry level display helmet in its current form. It fitted for a 3 point oxygen mask, and all snaps an buckles are in place. Inside the silk lining is in good clean condition but exhibits some wear in the brow section. The helmet carries a maker's label named to Siemens with a BAL ink stamp and is clearly dated 27th June 1938 so is clearly from the very first batch of production. The lining also carries a further label reading Bekleidungswerke Neumünster Grüße 56 which we understand refers to 'Clothing Works Neumünster'. LKpS101 helmets are new becoming hard to source so despite the modifications, it makes an excellent display helmet at an entry level price.