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RAF Dinghy Knife - Click for the bigger picture

RAF Dinghy Knife

A genuine World War11 Air Ministry dinghy survival knife, which was supplied with RAF multi place dinghies. This example is in apparently unissued condition, with original leather scabbard and lanyard cord, that is retained with its original securing straps. The curved stainless-steel blade carries a rounded 'safety' tip, whilst the orange cork handle is to ensure the knife will float if lost overboard.

The blade is engraved with the stores reference of 27C/2023 whilst the leather sheath is embossed 27C/2024, which is stitched to a canvas backer, to enable it to be attached to the dinghy. The sheath carries a snap fastening, so the knife is locked safely in its leather housing. The drawing attached is taken from the Air Ministry Pilots Flying Manual (AP129) and shows an RAF J type dinghy with the floating knife attached at the 1200 O'clock position. The final wartime photograph illustrates a similar craft with the knife location clearly stencilled on the outside of the inflated raft.

These wartime issue knives are becoming increasingly hard to find and this one certainly matches the collector's maxim 'always buy the best you can afford' and it is the cleanest example we have had in the last 20 years. The knife including handle measures 10" (25 cm)

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