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Stock No. 5555

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WWII German Parachute Flare Diorama - Click for the bigger picture

WWII German Parachute Flare Diorama

An ex Museum display item that has been professionally mounted in a 3D glazed display case. A label mounted within the frame states 'A German parachute flare, dated 1940 with expiry date of September 1944, complete with integral parachute, as found to West of Carentan in area of Operation ''Cobra'', the breakout from coastal landing area of US forces after D-Day'. Operation Cobra is well documented when Fallschirmjäger Regiment 6 was forced to retreat from St -Mère-Eglise, St.-Côme-du-Mont, and the key city of Carentan by American paratroopers of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions, who had come ashore at Utah Beach on D Day.

The display includes two flare pistol cartridges, both inert, and still retaining signs of mud from when they were recovered ; one shows battle damage and the other is intact. The mud hides most of the data on the damaged cartridge case but the other features wording and whilst not entirely clear seems to start 'Fallschirm' which is German for parachute and also 'Orion' which could indicate this was a star flare. A lightweight silk parachute with rigging lines is also mounted beside the flares to complete the display. The flare cartridges measure 5 1/2" or 13.5 cm long. Whilst we have had numerous German flare cartridges over the years this is the first example of this type we have had and to retain the delicate parachute is exceptional. Clearly we can't support the stated provenance but if correct, as seems likely, this is an emotive souvenir of The D-Day landings in this 75th Anniversary year.

Diorama frame measures 11.75" x 6.75" (30 cm x 17 cm). Despite being completely inert we prefer to offer this item for sale to UK based customers.

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